Penhstock finished with a bang! Plan B came in and really rocked the house. (here is a link For those of you who thought you had your fill of Live Music for the 3 day New Years weekend...well you were WRONG! These guys were awesome. Thanks Ross for getting them on stage. Yours truly totally ecstatic to have a band play on the second of January my B day which usually sucks because in the west every one returns to work and school after a two week holiday. Not the case here tonight.
If you missed them they will be in Siem Reap next then back in Ho Chi Minh, then Nha Trang next week.
A few shots of the action.
Plan B had a great horn section.
got the girls on stage dancin. Yours truly getting a free glass of beer.
Harp player from Lost Highway in the mix.
Sean and his buddy.
Play that funky music white boy!
One for the family album.
Running out of time...will edit later and get a few captions to go with the picks but in the mean time check out Steve Goodmans (Hellhounds) take on New Years. Follow the link below. Me...I have B-day to finish.
Thanks to all that participated, and have a safe and prosperous 2010!
PS the first Sunday of the month was the 3rd. What a great way to conclude a fun filled weekend. Brian put together some good bbq sauce.
As always Al puts out some great dishes for the bbq. Now that every one is re energized, Let do all over again!
THanks for everything,ROSS MIKE JIM ALL THE STAFF